Thursday, June 9, 2011

Election Day in America: Was This a Day of Change, or Has Disease Continued to Fester???

We're now almost at the end of the first term with President Obama at the helm.      There was great optimism on that day when he was sworn in as president because so many believed that America was finally going to usher in a new era that would recapture some of the life-saving qualities that this country has been known for in the past.      Has this happened?

(Image courtesy of

Sadly, it has not.      I've mentioned that it would be unfair to rely totally on the President of the U.S. to completely turn things around because there's too much to be done and much of the work that needs to be done is within us.    The human race has been damaged to a point where many of us have become diseased in the mind, body, and spirit.    For REAL change, we must get in touch with ourselves    . . .    and then for the FIRST time in a long time, we must re-connect with God, our Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The healing that's required in America will not come from President Obama, or any other politician because the problems in the United States have become too extensive and overwhelming.    Yes, it's possible we may receive a little relief from this predicament because of some new and beneficial policy that's activated but as long as we continue to ignore the fact that we need God, then that relief will only be temporary at best.      As long as mankind continues to operate without God in our lives, we'll only dig ourselves deeper holes to fall into at a future time.      This means that ultimately, America will only wind up facing the same dilemmas again    . . .    and again    . . .    and again.    

Are we tired yet?      Have we had enough of the same old soup warmed over?     Then let's get together and call upon our Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ to finally see the entire human race assembled in the way God originally intended!

Remember to visit my other blog site for more interesting reading:     Finding Peace of Mind.

Also, for urgent information regarding the end time events that will occur on a WORLDWIDE SCALE at a future time and include every person on this earth (without exception), please visit my website entitled The World . . . or God?.

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