The United States has undergone a checkup and the diagnosis is in: the country is dying and there is little hope for its survival.
What has happened to this once-great country? I hear some politicians still refer to America as the greatest country in the world. However, I'm afraid those politicians are the only ones who can make this declaration as it seems they are far removed from the distressful pangs their citizens have experienced.
First, there was the slow excision of God and our Lord Jesus Christ from our minds and hearts. Some of this process was imposed upon us . . . and some of the process we willingly chose and accepted. Whichever was the case, it was the wrong thing to do because our very lives begin and end with God and our Lord Jesus Christ. Indeed, we all must concede to the fact that if, for whatever reason, God should decide that one, some, or all of us wouldn't wake up tomorrow morning, then there would be absolutely NOTHING that ANY of us could do about this decision but accept it and die. This being an unquestioned fact, how then can we turn our backs on God and exclude Him from our lives???
Secondly, exclusion of the PRINCIPAL catalyst in our lives is precisely what has been done in the United States and this has resulted in, among other things, the obliteration of our precious heritage. The main problem encountered is loss of identity. Since God is the Author of our lives, He is the only one qualified to define us. Without God and our Lord Jesus Christ, we lose sight of our origins and the true meaning of life. America has lost its unique identity. A large emptiness, a void, has now become clearly noticeable but the first reaction is to pretend that this void doesn't exist.
America's identity was once described in our history books . . . at least it was in the history books with which I was educated. This country was founded on Biblical principles and the Word of God. However, this teaching has changed considerably over the years. Vital information regarding our beginnings has been excluded from the educational process and with this exclusion goes the very character which defined America and set her apart from all the other countries of the world.
In my opinion, losing our identity is the first step in contracting a disease. When we lose our identity, it weakens our character along with our foundations and principles and we then lose the inborn strength needed to fight off disease. When we lose our identity, we lose the ability to unite our forces and stand tall against disease. The most noticeable example of this breakdown of unity and strength is in the family structure. America's strength and foundation relies totally on the family structure and in the majority of cases, this structure has been annihilated. We've gone from generations of families with solid family structures who remained together throughout many lifetimes, to children being predominantly raised in one-parent homes, foster homes or simply remaining in the system itself. Unfortunately most times, these remaining parts stand alone and don't have the strength to survive. From here, the only direction is down and plunge, we did -- into all kinds of sick versions of "substitute families".
Dismissing God has had grave consequences on the United States and the changes that have resulted over the years have been severe. Besides the breakdown of the family, there was also a radical change in the United States when immigration to this country, legal and illegal, became more prominent. In the beginning, the immigration process for the most part was properly tracked and immigrants were advised of and instructed in the laws of the United States. They were inspired to contribute their very best in whatever they did and they felt honored to oblige and obey these new rules and regulations. They had fled from countries that offered little toward their survival and they considered it a privilege to be in America and to be granted the opportunity to make a better life for themselves and their families. Everything was fine because immigrants respected America and had great faith in this country and the promise of peace and prosperity it offered to all who lived here. It was also an honor and a pleasure to have this vastly different and talented membership from other races and cultures become citizens of the United States.
However somewhere along the line, this country lost control of the immigration process and illegal immigration, which was at one time inconspicuous, then became the notorious way of entering into America. The illegal immigrants then began to abide not by United States laws, but by the laws of their own cultures. The result is we now have a diluted country where the American root no longer exists. We have to search far and wide to find a true American characterized by those who were born, raised, lived by the American ideology, and eventually died in this country (this includes the legal immigrants and their families who became American citizens as well). Instead, "American" now means a hodgepodge of cultures and races, each separately defined by the civilizations from which they emerged. Add to this the fact that for many of us, the core foundation of being human (i.e., high regard for life and respect for fellow human beings) has evaporated into thin air and an even greater loss is experienced. We no longer think of the survival of the human race as a whole. Instead, it's every man for himself and therefore, it's what each individual thinks that matters most. We already know that what may be good for one could be totally disastrous for another.
Enter disease: Greed. Hatred. Jealousy. Deception. Murder. Extortion. Theft. Sexual misconduct and abuse. Abortion. etc., etc. The list is unending and over the decades, these negative traits have entered into the lives of all of us carrying disease on its back. The building blocks of our moral and intellectual prowess have been broken down to a point where we've become almost helpless when it comes to correcting our situations. Resulting Diagnosis? America has contracted cancer which is described as a malignant, destructive growth that spreads and when left unchecked, eats away and eventually destroys the person or entity afflicted with the disease.
(Image courtesy of
Something had to fill the void that entered into our lives when we expelled God and this void was overcome with cancer. And the cancer that began as benign is in jeopardy of becoming malignant . . . if it hasn't already. Immediate treatment is needed but this cancer has been detected at a very late stage. This means treatment may be successful . . . and it may not. My suggestion is NOT to continue depending on mankind to find a cure, especially since MANKIND IS THE PROBLEM.
We should stop trying to solve this problem in a piecemeal fashion on our own. This only leaves us feeling like we're ok today, but we feel worse tomorrow; we take two steps today but fall back four steps tomorrow (I think you know the feeling). Let us turn to the experts who know and understand us and the causes of the perils in our lives better than any of us will ever know.
I don't know about any of you, but after wheeling and dealing for so long with my own ineptitude and the inabilities of others, I eagerly look forward to turning to the one entity who knows ALL the answers to everything I've been looking for:
That entity is our Lord Jesus Christ, who is the ONLY way back to the Father of us all. With this thought in mind, I say a silent prayer for America with the hope that she will find her way back to her beginnings where she rightfully belongs . . . with God, our Father and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Remember to visit my other blog site for more interesting reading: Finding Peace of Mind.
Also, for urgent information regarding the end time events that will
occur on a WORLDWIDE SCALE at a future time and include every person on this
earth (without exception), please visit my website entitled The World . . . or God?.
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