History was made when Barack Obama was elected as the first Black President of the United States. Many Americans expressed genuine hope that change would accompany this historic breakthrough and therefore, they gratefully welcomed this advancement as a significant benefit for the future of this country.
I too experienced elation because Barack Obama presented himself as a noble and well-guided human being. This was extremely refreshing to me because I've never really felt a connection with the government of this country. To me, it had always felt like on the one hand, the government was some kind of machine programmed to perform certain functions and operations, and on the other hand, I was living my life, having little or nothing to do with the government. With Barack Obama, however, it felt like the United States finally had a candidate in office who knew what it felt like to live in this day and age as a resident of this country; a candidate who understood the needs of all people who were in a struggle to survive hardships of enormous proportions. And most importantly, America now had a candidate whom I believed would honestly do all within his power to help restore this country to a stable position so people could begin the process of healing that we so desperately needed.
Unfortunately, my hopes have not been realized. America is still in a desperate state where few are thriving, a minority is sustaining, but the majority is sinking. But it is important to note that President Obama cannot be blamed for this continued downfall. He took over a country that's been drowning in despair for a long time because patterns have been set by those before him that have kept the United States in the grips of obscurity. It should be noted that President Obama has introduced a number of worthy programs, especially in the area of saving homes during the real estate collapse. However, no one person can be expected to break the counteractive model that has been set up in this country. It should also be noted that over the years, there have been numerous news reports about the leaders of this country engaging in one particular custom that has certainly contributed to this country's degeneration. These news reports imply that over the years, those responsible for running this country have engaged in undisciplined spending practices that have wasted billions of dollars that could've been put to better use to prevent the current economic breakdown.
The United States is set on a path of destruction and we've come to the point that it no longer matters whether President Obama is trying to change this or whether he's actually contributing to this situation. The fact remains that we're in over our heads. We're drowning in the muck and mire of this world which certain people following their own agendas have created and if we don't get a lifeline thrown to us soon, we're going to die. Yes, I'm talking doomsday talk here. And yes, doomsday talk has been around for a long time and people have always dismissed it as something only paranoid people will take seriously. After all, why concern ourselves when so far, we've been able to recover from the many serious catastrophic events that have occurred?
However, we're not dead yet so there's still room for salvation. With this in mind, it must be recognized that the burden of change doesn't rest solely on the government. Each person in this country has a job to do when it comes to the restoration of America. While our leadership will obviously have to take inventory to find out what has gone wrong in government in the past and what will be necessary to do in the future, at the same time, the general public is also going to have to take responsibility for the part we've played in the slow disintegration of this country. I can't comment in specific detail on what our leadership will have to do because I'm not a politician. But as a citizen of the United States, I can talk about the mistakes I've made to contribute to this mess, and I can speak of the mistakes I believe others have made which, all totaled, was the part we the people have played in bringing this country to its knees.
One very important place in which responsible behavior is necessary deals with the subject of credit, an area where so many of us have had our downfalls. Credit has been a destructive force in the lives of many individuals and families and we must now view it in its proper perspective. Originally, credit came into existence as financial assistance for emergency or important purposes. Currently, however, credit is used to purchase everything from cars and homes to the morning cup of coffee, and everything in between but credit is NOT free money. It's money that HAS to be paid back, a fact that seems to have eluded many of us. With this in mind, people should consider very carefully before seeking credit, and credit card companies should be more rigid about extending credit and setting more reasonable credit limits. It's because people had begun to view credit as something to be spent at the drop of a hat, and credit card companies viewed this as an opportunity to make big bucks, that the people in this country have now been caught in one of the worst financial traps in history. It's my intention to eliminate credit from my life whenever and wherever possible and deal only in debit and I believe if all people began to operate in this fashion, this country would be able to breathe a lot easier!
There are other areas in our lives that we'll need to revisit but that visitation has to be left up to each individual person. The point is we can't and shouldn't depend on President Obama or any other government officials to create the miraculous resolutions it will take to get our house in order. Let's do our utmost best to first eliminate the bad habits in our own lives which will then make us better and stronger citizens for America!
However, before we attempt to do anything, let's turn our attention fully to God, our Father, and His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ to help us straighten out what we're not capable of fixing. It is only then that there will be the guarantee that mankind will finally evolve into its true nature.
Remember to visit my other blog site for more interesting reading: Finding Peace of Mind.
Also, for urgent information regarding the end time events that will occur
on a WORLDWIDE SCALE at a future time and WILL include every person on this earth (without exception),
please visit my website entitled The World . . . or God?.
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