Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Family Genealogy Can Answer Many Questions about our Ancestry

Your Family Ancestry has a Story to Tell!!!

It’s a common outcry proclaimed by many:      WHO AM I?      Yet, although this question is asked by many, few receive adequate answers.         Perhaps this is because the answers extend beyond us.       After all, we are part of a world that currently has more than seven billion people.       Among these seven billion people are groups of families and it’s within these families that suitable answers can be found.      However, what about those who came before us?       Is it possible to obtain insights on a more profound level from our ancestors?

(Image courtesy of www.bing.com/images)

Family genealogy is a recorded history of a person’s ancestry that people seek out and study to learn about their family lineage.        Reviewing genealogical records and studying key historical documents can bring clarity and understanding into our lives.      Add to this the fact that we can learn about the characters and personalities of our relatives before us, and we now have the formula for discovering from where and how we’ve evolved into who we are, hence acquiring a better perception and sense of ourselves.     

Discovering our genealogical origins will also put pieces together regarding our health.        Knowing our family history will bridge the gap between our past and present which in turn, introduces a new awareness in us simply because we now know more today than we did yesterday!        With knowledge comes peace of mind and there’s no better medicine for our health than peace of mind.

What we must remember is that we don’t stand alone.         Alone we are but a fragment within the sea of life that stretches across the sands of time so if we continue to center our focus only on ourselves, then our lives will always be a mystery to us.       In order to see the complete picture, we’ll have to study our lives in its entirety and this will include delving into our family history.       There are numerous websites available that provide access to free genealogy websites.         Check into your genealogy tree for free starting with these websites:

3)      http://www.myheritage.com (offers free genealogy software)


Remember to visit my other blog site for more interesting reading:  
Finding Peace of Mind.

Also,  for urgent information regarding the end time events that will occur on a WORLDWIDE SCALE at a future time and include every person on this earth (without exception), please visit my website entitled  The World . . . or God?.